Teacher's Page

This WebQuest was initially created for Japanese university students who learn English as a second language. However, the contents were made so that it can accommodate the needs of various students, especially those who are planning to go to London!

This WebQuest is aimed for those who are around pre-intermediate to intermediate level, but depending on students' needs and teachers' skill, it can reach out to other levels.

Please note that if you are intending to use it for less than three classes, you should use limited parts of this site, so that students can simply intake information and present it. However, mainstream WebQuests and this site are aimed for long sessions which might be a week or longer. This is attributable to the fact that WebQuest is based on constructivist view of education, and the basic requirement is that student intakes new information, transform it, and present it in their own point of view.

For more discussion, please refer to 'Some Thoughts About WebQuests' written by the founder of WebQuests, Professor Bernie Dodge.

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