1 pt
2 pt
3 pt
4 pt
Content Wrong or irrelevant information. No personal view stated. Difficult to understand. Some relevant information with some personal view. At times not very clear, but all in all understandable. Sufficient information with enough personal view. Easy to follow and clear. Relevant, interesting and abundant information.
Interesting personal view.
Very easy to understand.
Language Not fluent enough. Inaccurate vocabulary and grammar use which affected the whole meaning. Overused same expression. Some fluency is shown. Correct choice of words and grammar, but some mistakes affected the meaning. Choice of words is fairly good, but a bit repetitive. Fluent language use. Accurate choice of words and grammar. Some minor mistakes which did not affect the overall meaning. Very fluent.
Accurate, and abundant choice of words and grammar.
Presentation Voice is too low. Boring and monotonous. Rhythm is too slow or too fast. Inaccurate pronunciation, difficult to understand. Fairly clear voice. Some variety in rhythm, but at times too slow or too fast. Fairly accurate pronunciation, but some confusing mistakes. Fairly easy to follow. Clear voice. Varied rhythm and good pace. Pronunciation is accurate. Mistakes did not affect the message contents.
Very clear, well organised and enjoyable.
Creative and varied presentation. Excellent pace and intonation, as well as accurate pronunciation.
Working together (group cooperation and collaboration) Students did not help one another. The team did not function properly. There was either a member who dominated things and someone who did not do anything. Group tasks were not done. Students worked individually mostly and there wasn’t much collaboration. There were some members who did too much or some who did not do much. Many group tasks were not done. Good cooperation. Members helped one another.Group task was done sufficiently. Great collaboration. Each member made outstanding contribution to the whole work. All group tasks were done thoroughly. 25%

The evaluation criteria are as follows. You will be evaluated individually, and also as a group.


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